Lynzkatz National, Regional and Breed Winners
We’re so very proud of the Lynzkatz cats and kittens who have won special recognition as National Winners (NW), Regional Winners (RW) and Breed Winners (BW) in the Cat Fanciers’ Association. These are the highest honors CFA can award. To become a National, Breed or Regional Winner a cat or kitten needs to be an exemplar of its breed in both type and temperament. It takes an exceptional cat to deal with all the grooming, traveling and competition that goes on in a show hall week after week.
GP, NW Daisy Dalrymple
CFA – Best Cat in Premiership

GC, BW, NW Imprimis Fiona of Lynzkatz

GC, GPD, NW Lynzkatz Scrumpdillyicious

GC, NW Furry Fun Xena of Lynzkatz

NW Lynzkatz Goodnight Gracie

GP, NW Lynzkatz Cool Jazz of Kapa

GC, NW KCDancers Sir William, DM

GC, GP, NW Best Star Line Tattoo of Lynzkatz

GC, NW Dark Princess Mio Mio of Lynzkatz

GP, NW Charm Mio Mio of Lynzkatz

GC, BW, NW Dovon Simon the Possumm of Lynzkatz, DM

GC, BWI, NW Yatfung’s Cobra JR!!! of Glam-Rex

GC, NW Dovon Clark of Lynzkatz

GP, RW Lynzkatz Ursa Major of MacDuff

GC, RW Lynzkatz Cracker Jack

GP, RW Lynzkatz Fitz Mularkey of MacDuff

GP, RW Lynzkatz Rocky Road

GP, RW Lynzkatz Red Sharkey

GP, NW Lynzkatz EyeoftheTiger of Bryn Mawr

GC, RW Lynzkatz Rascal Flatts of KCDancers

GC, RW Satiricats Buster Brown of Lynzkatz